Parking Day in Kiew

Yes, there are cyclists in Ukraine, and they are getting more and more. And cycling is getting more popular especially as an efficient means of urban transport.

What does it mean to be a cyclist in Kiev? Daryna Pyrogova from the Cyclists’ Association Kiev (Асоціація велосипедистів Києва) will tell us. The organisation is a strong new player in the urban movement, and it is set to create the infrastructure and political support needed to make cycling fun and safe. How does the organisation work? And what has changed in the last few years?

Presentation and discussion with
Dasha Pyrogova, Member of the Board of the Cyclists’ Association Kiev


Wednesday, 19.30 at Laidak, Boddinstr. 42, Berlin-Neukölln

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Abendveranstaltung 12.10.2016 in Berlin: Cycling Movement in Kiev
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